2. Systematics of Living Organisms - part 05 -Salient features of Five Kingdoms


2. Systematics of Living Organisms - part 05 -Salient features of Five Kingdoms

 Salient features of Five Kingdoms :
1. Kingdom Monera :
  • It contains unicellular organisms with prokaryotic cellular organization. 
  • Monera includes unicellular prokaryotic organisms.
  • These are omnipresent. 
  • They are found in all types of environment which are not generally inhabited by other living beings. 
  • Few are photoautotrophs or chemoautotrophs; but majority are heterotrophic in nature.
  •  These organisms do not have well defined nucleus.
  • DNA exists as a simple double stranded circular single chromosome called as nucleoid.
  • Smaller circular molecules of DNA as extrachromosomal genetic elements called plasmids are often present. 
  • Cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan (also called murein) which is a polymer of sugars and amino acids.
  • Membrane bound organelles e.g. mitochondria, chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum are absent. 
  • Ribosomes are smaller in size (70S) than in eukaryotic cells. 
  • The mode of reproduction in monera is asexualor with the help of binary fission or budding.Very rarely,
  • sexual reproduction is by conjugation method. 
  • Morphologicaly, bacteria are categorised into four groups- 
  1. the spherical- Coccus
  2. the rod-shaped -  bacillus
  3. the comma or kidney shapedvibrio and 
  4. the spiralspirillum.
  • On the basis of evolution, bacteria can be classified as - 
  1. Archaebacteria and 
  2. Eubacteria.

1. Archebacteria :

  • These are differentiated from other bacteria on the basis of their different cellular features. 
  • These bacteria are mostly found in the extreme environments; hence termed extremophiles. 
  • They are found in a variety of places from volcanic craters to salty lakes and hot springs. 
  • Their ability to withstand such hostile environment speaks of their capacity to survive in very severe conditions. 
  • Bacteria that can withstand high salinities are called halophiles while those that withstand extreme temperature are known as thermophiles
  • A very common example is of methanogenic bacteria found in gut of ruminants (cows and buffaloes). 
  • These bacteria help in production of methane in biogas plants.
2. Eubacteria :
  • These are commonly referred as true bacteria. 
  • They have cell wall of peptidoglycan. 
  • They are found as autotrophs and heterotrophs.
  • The autotrophs can be photosynthetic like Chlorobium (Green sulphur bacteria) and Chromatium or chemosynthetic like sulphur bacteria.
  • These are mostly multicellular filamentous forms living in fresh water. 
  • The body is covered by mucilagenous sheath.
  • The genetic material is typical prokaryotic. 
  • Chl-a, Chl-b, carotenes and xanthothylls are the photosynthetic pigments.
  •  Filaments show heterocyst which helps in nitrogen fixation.
  • Heterotrophs are the most abundant.
  • Most of them are decomposers and known for breaking down large molecules in simple molecules or minerals. 
  • They can be anaerobes helping in -
  1. curdling of milk (Lactobacilli)
  2. fixation of nitrogen (Azotobacter)
  3. antibiotic production (Streptomyces)
  4. composting and degrading oil
  • But the story doesn’t end here,some of them are pathogens i.e. causing disease (typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis, tetanus).
Mycoplasma :
  • These are smallest of the living forms.
  • They do not have cell wall. 
  • Many forms are pathogenic
  • They are found resistant to common antibiotics due to absence of cell wall.
2. Kingdom Protista :
  • This group includes all the unicellular but eukaryotic organisms. 
  • These organisms show link with all eukaryotic Kingdoms like Plantae, Fungi and Animalia.

a. Plant like protista :

  • They are also termed Chrysophytes.
  • They are commonly termed phyto-planktons.
  • They are microscopic and mostly photosynthetic and are major producers in oceans. 
  • Most of them are referred to as diatoms as the have body wall made up of two soap-box like fitting silica covers. 
  • “Diatomaceous earth" is nothing but these shells left behind for so many years.
  • Diatomaceous earth is granular hence finds use in polishing and filtration.
b. Animal like Protista :-
  • They are also termed protozoans
  • They lack cell wall. 
  • They are heterotrophs. 
  • They are believed to be primitive animal forms. 
  • Amoeboid protozoans have pseudopodia as locomotory organs. 
  • Amoeba is free living form but Entamoeba is endoparasite and causes amoebic dysentery. 
  • Flagellated protozoans have flagella as locomotory organ. 
  • Trypanosoma is a common flagellated pathogen which causes sleeping sickness.
  • Paramoecium is a cilliate protozoan having cilia for locomotion. 
  • In Paramoecium, gullet (a cavity) opens on the cell surface.
  • Plasmodium is a sporozoan protozoa. It causes malaria. It forms spores in one of its life stage.

c. Dinoflagellates :- 
  • These are aquatic (mostly marine) and photosynthetic.
  • The cell wall is made up of cellulosic stiff plates
  • They possess a pair of flagella. 
  • They have a wide rangephotosynthetic pigments, which can be yellow, green, brown, blue and red. 
  • Gonyaulax is dinoflagellate that is responsible for famous ‘red tide’. It makes even sea appear red.
d. Fungi like protista :- 
  • They are commonly from the group Myxomycetes
  • These are saprophytic organisms found on decaying leaves. 
  • Their cells aggregate to form a large cell mass called plasmodium (not a malaria parasite). 
  • The spores produced by plasmodium are very tough and survive even very harsh conditions.
e. Euglenoids :- 

  • They lack cell wall but have a tough covering of proteinaceous pellicle.
  • They possess two flagella, one short and other long. 
  • They behave as heterotrophs in absence of light but possess pigments, similar to that of higher plants, for photosynthesis.

3. Kingdom Plantae:
  • The kingdom is dominated by autotrophs
  • It also includes some semiautotrophic members, the insectivorous plants like Venus fly trap, pitcher plant, bladderwort, as well as heterotrophic parasitic members like Cuscuta
  • Members of this kingdom are multicellular, having eukaryotic cells containing chlorophyll
  • Cells have cell wall mostly made up of cellulose. 
  • Plants exhibit alternation of generation i.e., life cycle has two distinct phases. 
  • Kingdom Plantae is divided into two major groups -  
  1. Cryptogamae / Cryptogams and 
  2. Phanerogamae / Phanerogams.

4. Kingdom Fungi : 
  • These are eukaryotic heterotrophs showing extracellular digestion.
  • They are found in warm and humid places. 
  • They have simple body which may be unicellular or made up of long thread like structures called hyphae
  • Large fungi such as mushrooms have a compact mass of cells. 
  • Unicellular organisms have a protoplast with many nuclei. e.g. Rhizopus, Saccharomyces(Yeast-unicellular fungus).
  • Filamentous fungi consist of a body called mycellium in which hyphae are present.
  • The hyphae may be with septa or without septa. 
  • They may be uni or multinucleate. 
  • The non-septate multinucleate hyphae are called coenocytic hyphae. 
  • The cell wall in fungi is composed of chitin, a polysaccharide or fungal cellulose. 
  • The fungi exhibit hetrotrophic mode of nutrition
  • Mostly they are saprophytic, some are parasitic or predators. 
  • They reproduce sexually as well as asexually. 
  • Asexual reproduction takes place by - 
  1. fragmentation
  2. fission and 
  3. budding. 
  • Some fungi are symbiotic; either live with algae as lichens or as mycorrhiza in association with roots of higher plants.
  • They are useful as well as harmful. Mushroomsare consumed as food, yeast is used in bakery and breweries. 
  • Penicillium, a fungus, is well known for antibiotic production.
  • Harmful fungi cause diseases in plants and animals. e.g. Puccinia.
  • The fungi are further classified on the basis of- Their structure, Mode of spore formation and Fruiting bodies as follows :
  1. Phycomycetes 
  2. Ascomycetes 
  3. Basidiomycetes 
  4. Deuteromycetes
1. Phycomycetes :

  • These are commonly called algal fungi. 
  • Mycelium is made up of aseptate coenocytic hyphae. 
  • They commonly grow in moist and damp habitats, on decaying organic matter as well as in aquatic habitats or as parasites on plants.
  • e.g. Mucor, Rhizopus (bread mould), Albugo(parasitic fungus on mustard).

2. Ascomycetes :

  • These are called as sac-fungi. 
  • These fungi are mostly multicellular. 
  • Rarely unicellular varieties include yeast
  • The hyphae are branched and septate. 
  • Sac fungi can be decomposers, parasites or coprophilous (grow on dung). 
  • Morels and truffles are varieties of sac fungi that are consumed as delicacies.
  • Neurospora is useful in genetic and biochemical assays.
  • Ex. Aspergillus, Penicillium, Claviceps, Neurospora, Saccharomyces.

3. Basidiomycetes :

  • These are commonly called club fungi. 
  • They have branched, septate hyphae.
  •  e.g. Agaricus (mushrooms), Ganoderma (bracket fungi), U stilago (smuts), Puccinia (rusts), etc.

4. Deuteromycetes :

  • These are called imperfect fungi, which are known to reproduce only asexually. 
  • e.g. Alternaria, Colletotrichum.

5. Kingdom Animalia : 
  • Members of this kingdom are heterotrophs; adapted to holozoic nutrition. 
  • Most of them have capacity of locomotion. 
  • They are multicellular eukaryotes where cellslack chlorophyll as well as cell wall. 
  • Growth is determinate (follow definite pattern).

Do u know ?
  • New variety of Banana seedlings produced by tissue culture technique like ‘Shrimanti’,Basarai, G-9 are virus free varieties.
  • Viruses, Viroids are groups of acellular organisms that are not included in Whitaker’s Five Kingdom classification.


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