4. Kingdom Animalia - part 09 - Phylum : Mollusca
4. Kingdom Animalia - part 09 - Phylum : Mollusca
Phylum : Mollusca (Mollis : soft)
- e.g. Pila, Bivalve, Octopus (devil fish), Sepia (cuttle fish), Chaetopleura (Chiton), Pinctada (Pearl oyster), L oligo (Squid), Aplysia (Sea hare), Dentalium (Tusk shell).
- This is second largest phylum.
- Molluscs are either free living or sedentary.
- They are aquatic or seen in marshy places. Few are terrestrial.
- These are soft bodied and show tube within tube body plan.
- These are bilaterally symmetrical, but few are asymmetrical due to torsion (twisting).
- Body is divisible into head, foot and visceral mass.
- Visceral mass is enclosed in thick muscular fold of body wall called mantle.
- Mantle secretes a hard calcareous shell, the shell may be external or internal or absent.
- Muscular foot is present on ventral side.
- Digestive system is well developed, complete with anterior mouth and posterior anus.
- Buccal cavity has a rasping organ called radula which is provided with transverse rows of teeth.
- Aquatic forms show numerous feather like gills called ctenidia, useful for aquatic respiration.
- Gills are present in mantle cavity. (space between visceral mass and mantle)
- Terrestrial forms may show presence of lungs.
- Circulatory system is of open type (except Sepia, which possesses closed type).
- Blood contains a copper containing blue respiratory pigment called haemocyanin.
- Excretion occurs by kidneys, also called as organ of Bojanus.
- Nervous system is formed by three pairs of ganglia.
- Ganglia are interconnected by commissures and connectives.
- Sense organs such as
- eyes for vision
- tentacles for tactile sensation
- osphradia for testing purity of water are present.
- Sexes are separate, animals are mostly oviparous, development is direct or indirect.
Economic importance -
- Pearl oyster gives precious pearls.
- Many molluscs are edible.
- Shells of molluscs are rich source of calcium.
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