09 Control and Coordination - part 09 - Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)


09 Control and Coordination - part 09 - Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) : 
  • Connects the central nervous system to the different parts of the body having receptors and effectors. 
  • Depending on the connection to the CNS, the peripheral nerves are classified into two main types -
  1. Cranial nerves - connected to the brain.
  2. Spinal nerves - connected to the spinal cord.

1. Cranial Nerves : 
  • Develop from the brain, in all amniotes (reptiles, birds and mammals). 
  • There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves. 
  • Roman numbering I to XII is used to denote them. 
  • Originate from or terminate into the brain.
  • According to their function, these are classified as- 
  1. sensory (I, II, VIII)
  2. motor (III, IV, VI, XI, XII) and 
  3. mixed (V, VII, IX, X) nerves.
2. Spinal Nerves : 
  • Thirty one pairs of spinal nerves originate from the spinal cord. 
  • They are mixed nerves.
  • Provide two way communication between the spinal cord and part of the upper and lower limbs, neck and trunk.
Do you know ?
  1. Of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves, only the X (vagus) passes into the body and innervates internal organs.
  2. Vagus has the maximum number of branches and longest distribution.
  3. V/trigeminal/Dentist’s nerve is the largest cranial nerve
  4. VI/abducens is the smallest cranial neve.

Formation of a typical spinal nerve : 
  • Mixed type.
  • Have some nerve fibre as sensory and some motor. 
  • Formed inside the neural canal of verterbral column by two roots - 
  1. Posterior or dorsal sensory root and 
  2. Anterior or ventral root. 
  • Anterior root receives the sensory nerve from the dorsal root ganglion (cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in the ganglion), while the anterior/ventral root gives out the motor nerve. 
  • The dorsal sensory and the ventral motor nerves together form the mixed spinal nerve. 
  • It emerges out from both sides of the spinal cord through the intervertebral foramen. 
  • As soon as it emerges out of vertebral column, it shows three branches viz-
  1. Ramus dorsalis
  2. Ramus ventralis
  3. Ramus communicans
1. Ramus dorsalis : 
  • From skin and to muscles of dorsal side
2. Ramus ventralis : 
  • Largest of the three supplies the organs and muscles on lateral and anterior side
3. Ramus communicans : 

  • Smallest of the three.
  • Given out from 1st thoracic upto 3rd lumbar (L3) spinal nerve. 
  • It joins the sympathetic ganglia.

Reflex Action : 

  • Sudden, spontaneous automatic, involuntary response to stimulus.
  • The response to stimulus is said to be involuntary as it is carried out without any conscious effort by the brain. 
  • The path along which the action is carried out is called reflex arc.
  • Human nervous system is divided into CNS, PNS, ANS. 
  • PNS consist of network of nerves arising from or going to the CNS.
  • Accordingly peripheral nerves are classified as
  1. Afferent nerves
  2. Efferent nerves

Afferent nerve fibres :
  • Transmit sensory impulse from tissue or organ to the CNS.
Efferent nerve fibres :
  • Transmit regulatory or motor impulses from the CNS to the various peripheral tissues and organ.
  • However according to recent studies, the extent of PNS has been broadened to incorporate the ANS.
  • According to this view, the PNS is divided into - 
  1. Somatic nervous system and
  2. Autonomic nervous system
  • The somatic nerous system relays impulses from CNS to the skeletal or voluntary muscles of the body.


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