10 Human Health and Diseases - part 04 - Amoebiasis, Ascariasis


10 Human Health and Diseases - part 04 - Amoebiasis, Ascariasis

Amoebiasis :
  • Also known as Amoebic dysentry. 
  • It’s a common infection of human gastro-intestinal tract, which affects 15 % population of India.
  • Amoebiasis is caused by a protist parasite- Entamoeba histolytica.
Signs and symptoms:
  • Diarrhoea, flatulence, stool with mucus and abdominal pains (cramps) are common.
  • Passing of blood with stool is common in severe cases.
  • Hepatomegaly occurs if parasite enters the liver. 
  • Liver develops amoebic liver abscess accompanied with fever and pain in right abdomen.
Mode of transmission :
  • Faeco-oral route.
  • Eating with dirty hands.
  • Contaminated food and water.
Diagnosis and Treatment : 
  • Is made through microscopic examination of the stool sample.
  • Treated by the use of Metronidazole and Tinidazole which can destroy the E. histolytica in the digestive tract as well as other tissues.
Prevention and Control : 
  • Wash hands with hot water and soap after using toilets and changing baby’s diaper.
  • Drink boiled water. 
  • Otherwise, water must be chlorinated and filtered. 
  • Avoid eating unhygenic food. 
  • Vegetables must be properly washed and cooked. 
  • Proper sanitary facilities including sewage disposal help in prevention.
Ascariasis :
  • Infectious disease of human intestinal tract, caused by roundworm- Ascaris lumbricoides. 
  • Ascaris lumbricoides is an endoparasitic round worm or nematode.
Signs and symptoms :

  • Gastro-intestinal discomfort accompanied with vomiting and fever.
  • Presence of live worms in feacal matter.
  • Pulmonary disorders occur in some patients. Pneumonitis (inflammation in alveolar wall)
  • Loss of apetite and weight loss.
  • Eosinophilia (number of eosinophils is increased).
Mode of transmission: 
  • Food and drinks contaminated with the eggs of these worm is the main mode of transmission. 
  • Eggs hatch inside the intestine of the new host. 
  • The larvae pass through various organs and settle as adults in the digestive system.
Diagnosis and Treatment: 
  • Can be done by microscopic examination of the stool.
  • Anti-helminthic drugs like Piperazine, Mebendazole, Levamisole, Pyrantel are effective against Ascaris lumbricoides.
Prevention and Control : 
  • Avoiding defaecation in open space, prevents the spread of Ascaris.
  • Personal hygienic habits like washing hand with water and soap after using toilet are also important. 
  • Washing vegetables throughly before cooking and avoiding raw vegetables is important for prevention of ascariasis.


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