10 Human Health and Diseases - part 07 - Cancer Cancer:


10 Human Health and Diseases - part 07 - Cancer

  • Abnormal, uncontrolled and purposeless division of cells may lead to the formation/ development of mass of undifferentiated cell i.e. tumor. 
  • When tumor is malignant, it is described as cancer and has ability to invade other tissues.
  • Cancer harms the body when cancerous cells divide uncontrollably to form new lumps or masses of tissue called neoplasm (except in the case of leukemia). 
  • Tumors can grow and interfere with the normal functioning of various organs. 
  • They also release secretions which alter body function(s).
  • It is one of the main killer diseases nowadays. 
  • Physicians and researchers who specialize in the study, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer are called oncologists.
  • Tumors may develop anywhere in the body. 
  • However, all tumors are not cancerous.
  • There are two types of tumors: 
  1. Benign or nonmalignant and 
  2. Cancerous or malignant.
1. Benign or Nonmalignant Tumor :
  • It grows slowly, may attain quite a large size, but it remains restricted to the site of its origin (localized) .
  • Does not spread to other part of the body
  • This does not necessarily mean that the benign tumors are not troublesome.
  • Some benign tumors are harmful and fatal  
  • e.g. brain tumor (A brain tumor may cause death because the brain is squeezed against the hard skull). 
  • Moreover, the benign tumors may sometimes become malignant. 
  • e.g. Adenoma and Fibroid.
2. Malignant tumor or cancer :
  • The growth rate of this tumor is rapid and mortality rate is comparatively more than benign tumor. 
  • Rapid growth of tumors causes overcrowding and disruption of normal cells.
  • The cancerous cells compete with the normal.
  • cells for nutrients and finally kill them.
  • These cells are spread from one organ to other via blood or lymph and form new tumors called secondary tumors
  • This migratory process is called metastasis.
Types of Cancer:

  • There are five main types of cancers according to the type of tissue affected. 
  • Cancers are named according to the tissue from which they arise.
i. Carcinoma: 
  • Cancer that arise from epithelial tissue covering or lining the body organs is known as carcinoma. 
  • It include breast cancer, lung cancer, cancer of stomach, skin cancer. etc.
ii. Sarcoma: 
  • Cancer that arises from connective tissue is called sarcoma. 
  • It include - 
  1. Osteosarcoma - bone tumors 
  2. Myosarcoma- muscle tumors  
  3. Chondrosarcoma - cancer of cartilage and 
  4. Liposarcoma - cancer of adipose tissue.
iii. Lymphoma: 
  • Cancer that arises from lymphatic tissue, is called lymphoma. 
  • It occurs in the lymphatic nodes, spleen and tissues of immune system.
iv. Leukemia: 
  • It is a type of blood cancer in which there is excessive formation of white blood cells (WBCs) or leucocytes in the bone marrow. 
  • People suffering from leukemia have very high leucocyte count. 
  • The blood contains millions of abnormal immature WBCs or leucocytes that are incapable of fighting infections.
  • There are various types of leukemia such as monocytic leukemia, lymphoblastic leukemia etc.
v. Adenocarcinoma: 
  • Adenocarcinoma cancer arises in thyroid, pituitary adrenal and other glandular tissues
Causes of Cancer:
  • Although, it is still not very clear as to how the cancer is caused, several factors are now known to be cancer- causing i.e. carcinogenic.
  • These factors are as follows. 
i. Chemicals : 
  • Several chemicals are known to induce cancer. 
  • These include nicotine, caffeine, products of combustion of coal and oil
  • Several polycyclic hydrocarbons, some sex hormone and steroids, if given or secreted in large amounts, may cause cancer. 
  • Breast cancer seems to have hormonal relationship. 
  • It is more commonly observed in women who avoid breast feeding.
ii. Radiation : 
  • The x-rays, gamma-rays cosmic rays, ultra-violet rays etc. are carcinogenic. 
  • Incidence of skin cancer is higher in the people working in very sunny areas due to UV radiation in the sunlight.
iii. Viruses : 
  • Viruses causing cancer have genes called viral oncogenes (v-onc genes).
  • These viruses are also called oncogenic viruses
  • e.g. EBV(Epstein-barr virus), HPV (Human papiloma virus) etc.
iv. Oncogenes : 

  • Several genes called cellular oncogenes (c-onc genes) or proto-oncogenes.
  • Have been identified in normal cells which when activated under certain condition could lead to oncogenic transformation of cells.
v. Addiction : 
  • Different types addictions likes smoking, chewing of tobacco lead to cancer of mouth, lips and lungs. 
  • Alcohol consumption may result in cancer of oesophagus, stomach, intestine and liver.
  • Drugs also cause cancer e.g. Marijuana, anaerobic steroids etc.
Treatment of Cancer:
  • Cancer treatment consists of combination of a number of therapies which are follows:
i. Chemotherapy: 
  • Chemotherapy comprises administration of certain anticancer drugs.
  • The anticancer drugs check cell division by inhibiting DNA synthesis or are more toxic to cancerous cell than to normal cells. 
  • Chemotherapy may lead to hair loss or anaemia but both get corrected after the treatment is stopped.
ii. Radiotherapy:
  • It is used in addition to chemotherapy. 
  • In radiotherapy, the basic principle is to bombard the cancerous tissue or cells with the rays from radioactive materials. 
  • For treatment, the cancer tissue or cells are exposed to radiations from radioactive materials such as cobalt, iridium and iodine
  • The rays x-rays gamma rays and charge particles are used to destroy the cancerous tissue or cells but cause minimum damage to the surrounding normal tissue or cells.
iii. Surgery: 
  • In surgery, the entire cancerous tissue or cells are removed surgically. 
  • It has limited utility. 
  • In certain cases such as breast tumor or uterine tumor, the surgery is most effective.
  • Other treatments are also given to kill any cancerous cell that may have been escaped in surgery.
iv. Immunotherapy: 
  • Tumor cell have been shown to avoid detection and destruction by immune system. 
  • Therefore, the patients are given substances called biological response modifiers such as a-interferon which activates their immune system and helps in destroying the tumor.
v. Supportive therapy: 
  • Supportive therapy is used to treat symptoms of cancer and side effects of cancer treatments. 
  • Objective of this therapy is to improve the quality of life of cancer patient. 
  • This therapy varies depending upon condition of individual patient.


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